Book Spotlight: Northern Wrath by Thilde Kold Holdt | Jo Linsdell

Book Spotlight: Northern Wrath by Thilde Kold Holdt


Book Spotlight Northern Wrath by Thilde Kold Holdt

Book Spotlight

Northern Wrath by Thilde Kold Holdt

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Today I'm part of a virtual book tour organised by The Write Reads for Northern Wrath by Thilde Kold Holdt. This is the first book in the Hanged God series. The tour for ‘Northern Wrath’ will run from 21st to 30th November 2022. 

Northern Wrath by Thilde Kold Holdt book tour

Genre: Adult Fantasy

Length: 616 Pages

Publishing: 27th October 2020


Book synopsis for Northern Wrath by Thilde Kold Holdt

Northern Wrath by Thilde Kold Holdt book cover
Following in the steps of Neil Gaiman & Joanne Harris, the author expertly weaves Norse myths and compelling characters into this fierce, magical epic fantasy.

A dead man, walking between the worlds, foresees the end of the gods.

A survivor searching for a weapon releases a demon from fiery Muspelheim.

A village is slaughtered by Christians, and revenge must be taken.

The bonds between the gods and Midgard are weakening. It is up to Hilda, Ragnar, their tribesmen Einer and Finn, the chief’s wife Siv and Tyra, her adopted daughter, to fight to save the old ways from dying out, and to save their gods in the process.

Where to find Northern Wrath by Thilde Kold Holdt online: 


About the author

About the author 

Thilde Kold Holdt, Author of  Northern Wrath

Thilde Kold Holdt is a Viking, traveller and a polygot fluent in Danish, French, English and Korean. As a writer, she is an avid researcher. This is how she first came to row for hours upon hours on a Viking warship. She loved the experience so much that she has sailed with the Viking ship the Sea Stallion ever since. Born in Denmark, Thilde has lived in many places and countries, taking a bit of each culture with her, and is currently based in Southern France where she writes full-time. 

You can find the full tour schedule here.

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Book Spotlight Northern Wrath by Thilde Kold Holdt

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