Book Blogger Posts Round Up
A collection of blog posts by book bloggers
Looking for new bookish content to read? Want to discover some new book bloggers to follow? Look no further!
I introduced this new feature here on the blog in May 2021 to showcase blog posts by other book bloggers. I'll be linking up a variety of blog posts so hopefully there will be something to suit all tastes.
The following posts were submitted for inclusion in this round up via my Twitter, where I asked for posts. I'll be continuing to do this every month.
Because I like reading blog posts by other book bloggers and thought you might too. Finding the time to scan through various social media feeds to find suitable content can take up valuable time though and so I figured I'd make it easier and put together a collection here on the blog.
My plan is to include a wide variety of content so there's something for everyone. You'll find book reviews, interviews, discussion pieces and more...
Want to be included in future round ups? Follow my Twitter profile and keep an eye out for the submission tweet.
October 2022 Book Blogger Round Up
@ReadingLadiesBC took part in the blog tour for The Belle of Belgrave Square. "Beauty and the Beast meets Marriage of Convenience meets Victorian Romance meets Bridgerton without the steam meets a side of Mystery. I’m recommending this heartfelt story for fans of historical (closed door) romance fiction. I predict that you’ll be invested in the romance and the mystery. An engaging weekend escapist read and a great selection for book clubs." Read the full review here.
What bookish blog posts did you enjoy reading in October? Have a favourite book you read in October that you want to share?
In case you missed it, don't forget to check out the September Round Up for even more great bookish posts by different book bloggers.