A Guide to Musei Capitolini, Rome | Jo Linsdell

A Guide to Musei Capitolini, Rome


A Guide to Musei Capitolini, Rome


A Guide to Musei Capitolini, Rome

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This month we went to visit Musei Capitolini at Piazza del Campidoglio. I've wanted to go to this museum for a while now and so I'm super happy to finally have gotten around to it. It did not disappoint. 

Warning! Wear comfortable shoes. This place is huge! 

The Musei Capitolini dates from 1471, when Pop Sixtus IV donated to the People of Rome a group of bronze statues. Successive popes enlarged the collection with works found during excavations in and around Rome. There are also some that have been transferred from the Vatican and others that have been specifically purchased for this museum. 

The museums collections are displayed in two of the three buildings that enclose Piazza del Campidoglio. These two buildings are linked by an underground tunnel.

Ancient sculptures, huge statues, paintings, coin and medal collections... not to mention the amazing building itself with incredible views over the Roman Forum.

Musei Capitolini, Rome


Address:  Piazza del Campidogilio 1


Combined ticket exhibitions  La Roma della RepubblicaCaesar's heritage and the conquest of timeCursus HonorumI Colori dell'AnticoVRBS ROMALucrina Fetti, una pittrice romana alla corte di Mantova and Nuova Luce da Pompei a Roma + Musei Capitolini

ONLINE pre-sale, by calling the Call Centre 060608 or at the ticket counter of the Musei Capitolini (only for the following days and only by credit card) with pre-sale fee € 1. Same-day purchase (by cash or by credit card without pre-sale fee) at the ticket office Musei Capitolini (Piazza del Campidoglio) without pre-sale fee:
adults: € 16,00
concessions: € 14,00
Free admission is granted to children under 6 years


Only Musei Capitolini, 
ONLINE pre-sale: 
adults: € 11,50 
concessions: € 9,50

Cloakroom: Free

Video and audio guides available. Video guide on the permanent exhibition of the museums in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Russian: € 7,00
Audio guide for children and families in Italian, English and French (recommended age: 6-12): € 5.00
Audio/video guides can be purchased directly from the ticket office and are supplied to the visitor already sanitised in a sealed sachet and with a disposable headset.

Opening hours:

Everyday  9.30-19.30
24 and 31 December 9.30-14.00
1 January 2023 11-19.30
Last admission one hour before closing time
1 May and 25 December 

A Guide to Musei Capitolini, Rome

The views over the Roman Forum are amazing from inside the Musei Capitolini.

Views of the Roman Forum from inside Musei Capitolini, Rome

A Guide to Musei Capitolini, Rome

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