2023 Challenges: August Wrap Up | Jo Linsdell

2023 Challenges: August Wrap Up


2023 Challenges August Wrap Up

2023 Challenges: August Update

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August always tends to fly by. Probably because it means we're heading into the last part of the summer break and we need to start getting ready for September and the new term starting back. 

August is, for me, typically a month for getting organised. It's when I do all the jobs I've been putting off for the past few months. 

It's when I declutter clothes, toys, and pretty much anything else I can from the house. My sons tend to grow more quickly during the summer months so it's the perfect time to clear out their wardrobes. 

August is when I get organised for the new school term shopping for new school books and materials (and the million other things related to back to school), book any medical visits for the whole family, and deep clean the house.

I also try to use August as a catch up and plan ahead month. I know that September is going to be hectic (and that it's just the start of the crazy busy season that will take me pretty much up until next Spring). That's why I try to schedule at least a few blog posts in advance and catch up with any other jobs that need doing. 

Do you have an organising month like this too?


August was another good blogging month (even if I did miss a few days towards the end of the month due to an IBS flare up). No new personal best this month but I'm still happy with how it's going. Current PB is 60,931 (in July 2023).

As September is my birthday month (16th) I'm hoping to set a new record and go over 61K.  

Traffic for August: 59,302 page-views

Number of posts published in August: 17

Features in August:

My blog post The Currently Reading Book Tag was featured for blog of the day by @The_WriteReads on 4th August.

My Percy Jackson Trivia Quiz was included in the post 18 High Engagement Percy Jackson Activities by Teaching Expertise on 7th August.

On 25th August Carol from Reading Ladies gave me a shout out in her first book club kit for the book West With Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge

Reading Challenges

The Clock Reading Challenge

I created the Clock Reading Challenge a few years ago as I thought it would be fun and not too difficult to complete. 

Join in with the Clock Reading Challenge 2023 and create your own clock for 2023. If you need some help finding books for the challenge check out Books with Numbers 1-12 in the Title: Clock Reading Challenge.

I'm continuing to make good progress with this challenge and managed to tick another number off my clock this month meaning I'm still ahead on schedule for finishing in time. 

The Clock Reading Challenge August 2023 update

Books read this month:

7 - Seven Days To Die by Michelle Kidd - My Review - Amazon - Goodreads 

The Net Galley TBR Reading Challenge

At least the book I read for the Clock Reading Challenge was also from my Net Galley TBR. Slow progress is still progress. 

The Net Galley TBR Reading Challenge August 2023 update

Books read this month:

Seven Days To Die by Michelle Kidd - My Review - Amazon - Goodreads 

Currently reading:

Eleven Liars by Robert Gold (currently at 17%). Amazon - Goodreads


My husband badly sprained his ankle and so a lot of the plans we'd had to travel got cancelled. We did go to Lago Albano at Castel Gandolfo, Torvaijanica beach, and fit in some more trips to our local swimming pool though. 


More swimming again in August (making the most of the hot weather to spend time at the pool when we can). 

I had an IBS flare up that had me struggling to do pretty much anything for about a week. I think it was probably caused by a mix of the extremely high temperatures here in Italy and eating a slightly different diet than usual due to birthday parties and dinners out with friends. Trying anything new, even if it's mindful of my food intolerance's, can be a risk. I'm used to it but it still sucks. 

We finally got some rain this past week and so the temperature has dropped considerably from what it was. Although going from over 40° to close to 20° in 24 hours was a bit drastic. It's since levelled out to a more comfortable 28-33° again now. 

2023 Challenges August Wrap Up

How did you do with your August Challenges? What challenges are you doing this year? What are your blogging goals for net month? Did you hit your blogging goals for August? Have you read any of these books? Did you do any travelling in August? Know of any good workout videos or apps that are worth trying out? Join the conversation in the comments section. 

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  1. Thanks for the shout out! I had a lot of fun making the book club kit (and I’ve already Tweaked it by adding some cute ideas!) now I need to plan the next one! Thanks for providing the inspiration! ~Carol @ ReadingLadies

    1. You did a great job. Happy to inspire đŸ˜‰
