Book Spotlight: Della and the Dragon’s Sword by Sandy Lender | Jo Linsdell

Book Spotlight: Della and the Dragon’s Sword by Sandy Lender


Book Spotlight Della and the Dragon’s Sword by Sandy Lender

Book Spotlight

Della and the Dragon’s Sword by Sandy Lender

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Today I'm sharing about Della and the Dragon’s Sword by Sandy Lender (a novella in the world of Onweald) which is a novella within the boxed set Enchanted Realms: Tales of Fantasy in Light and Shadow being released 31st July 2023

Della and the Dragon’s Sword by Sandy Lender (a novella in the world of Onweald) which is a novella within the boxed set Enchanted Realms: Tales of Fantasy in Light and Shadow

Publisher: Jumpmaster Press 

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BXZ6K72T

Genre: Fantasy, Anthology

Date Published: 31 July 2023


Book synopsis for Della and the Dragon’s Sword by Sandy Lender

Della and the Dragon’s Sword by Sandy Lender

The clever Della Smithieson returns to a dragon’s lair not knowing if the beast will help her again—or roast her for her audacity. She’s on a quest to retrieve a cursed sword for a wizard, unaware of the trap the ancient dragon set for her two winters ago, unaware of the covetous evil lurking in the fetid fields around her old home. This psychological-horror story of dragon manipulation and girl power is set in Sandy Lender’s fantasy world of Onweald and appears for the first time in Enchanted Realms: Tales of Fantasy in Light and Shadow, from Jumpmaster Press.

Where to find Della and the Dragon’s Sword by Sandy Lender online: 

Enchanted Realms is available for pre-order until its release 31st July 2023 from Jumpmaster Press at Amazon, B&N, and Apple Books.

About the author

About the author 

Sandy Lender author of Della and the Dragon’s Sword

Sandy Lender is a construction magazine editor by day and author of #GirlPower fantasy novels by night, living in Florida to help with sea turtle conservation and parrot rescue. You can follow her author page on Amazon, check her website at, or join her eNewsletter list at


With a four-year degree in English and thirty-year career in publishing, Sandy’s successes include traditionally and self-published novels, hundreds of magazine articles, multiple short stories in competitive anthologies, a handful of technical writing awards, and a handful of creative writing awards and nominations. She’s been writing stories since she was knee-high to a grasshopper when her great-grandmother shared her odd little tales of squeaky ghost-spiders around an apartment complex in Southern Illinois. The stories have developed to include strong young ladies working with dragons to save worlds from terrible fates, but those pesky spiders still show up from time to time. There’s always something brewing at Sandy Lender Ink headquarters where some days, you just want the dragon to win.

@SandyLender on twitter

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Book Spotlight Della and the Dragon’s Sword by Sandy Lender

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