108 Book Blogs To Follow | Jo Linsdell

108 Book Blogs To Follow

108 Book Blogs To Follow: Blogs About Books and Reading


108 Book Blogs To Follow

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Looking for some new book blogs to follow? Whether you're looking for websites for book reviews and recommendations, or are just curious to find the best sites for book lovers, today's post is for you! 

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”  ― Dr. Seuss

Check out this list of 108 book blogs for you to follow. Each of these blogs is dedicated to posting about books and reading. 

Warning: Be prepared for your TBR list to grow considerably! ;) 

  1. https://readingwithjessica.wordpress.com/
  2. https://whisperingstories.com/
  3. http://ankysbookbubble.blogspot.it/
  4. https://saturdaynitereader.com/
  5. https://metalphantasmreads.wordpress.com/
  6. https://phantompaper.wordpress.com/
  7. http://www.brunettebiblio.com/
  8. http://www.theressomethingaboutkm.com/
  9. https://bookwormscorner801578463.wordpress.com/
  10. https://alwaysopinionatedgirl.wordpress.com/
  11. http://kisslikeagirl.com/
  12. http://www.boundtowriting.com/
  13. https://texasbellereads.wordpress.com/
  14. http://www.andsoshethinks.co.uk/
  15. https://ontheshelfbookblog.wordpress.com/
  16. http://booksandbindings.com/
  17. https://gingermomreads.com/
  18. http://jenniely.com/
  19. https://www.sldreads.com/blog-scripturient
  20. http://katisbookaholicramblingreviews.blogspot.it/
  21. https://northernplunder.wordpress.com/
  22. https://ashleighbekkah.wordpress.com/
  23. http://agirlwhowrites.co/
  24. http://elleyotter.blogspot.it/
  25. https://joannesbooks.blogspot.it/
  26. https://trendysimplelife.blogspot.it/
  27. http://finithajose.blogspot.it/
  28. https://dolewhipandbooks.wordpress.com/
  29. https://thebookinstruments.wordpress.com/
  30. http://thisnortherngal.co.uk/
  31. http://www.cafemanon.nl/
  32. https://fannatality.wordpress.com/
  33. https://tania-richardson.com/
  34. https://thelittlebookowl.com/
  35. https://alwaysneedmorebooks.wordpress.com/
  36. http://iambookmad.com/
  37. https://bookishbitsblogblog.wordpress.com/
  38. https://ilovedreadingthis.wordpress.com/
  39. https://bookslifeotheroddities.wordpress.com/
  40. http://www.narratess.com/
  41. https://arubunwritten.wordpress.com/
  42. http://createdtoread.com/
  43. https://letterstoyou312.wordpress.com/
  44. https://novellibraryblog.wordpress.com/
  45. https://bibookishbabe23.wordpress.com/
  46. http://sarahjuneblog.com/
  47. https://thelibrocubicularistblogger.wordpress.com/
  48. https://thelittlebooknerds.wordpress.com/
  49. https://thereadathon.com/
  50. http://ladybibliophile.blogspot.it/
  51. http://bookgagabooks.ca/
  52. https://alittlebookproblem.co.uk/
  53. https://danaandthebooks.com/
  54. http://dellybird.co.uk/
  55. https://www.bookinggoodread.com/
  56. https://bookaholicdreamer.wordpress.com/
  57. https://doriesreadingcorner.com/
  58. https://bookbastion.net/
  59. http://wickedgoodreads.com/
  60. https://bookstalebyme.wordpress.com/
  61. https://welshiebooksandthoughts.com/
  62. http://bookofcinz.com/
  63. https://yesmoreblogs.wordpress.com/
  64. https://fall-into-reading.blogspot.it/
  65. https://thetattooedbookgeek.wordpress.com/
  66. http://heartofinkandpaper.com/
  67. http://www.thrillersandmore.com/
  68. https://papereyedgirl.wordpress.com/
  69. https://theshelfofunreadbooks.wordpress.com/
  70. http://sweetcherry69.blogspot.it/
  71. https://readinghobbit.wordpress.com/
  72. http://lovelyowlsbooks.co.uk/
  73. https://violettebooks.wordpress.com/
  74. https://anniehawthorne.wordpress.com/
  75. http://www.mjw.wales/
  76. https://bookreviewsbyshalini.wordpress.com/
  77. https://lattesnliterature.com/
  78. https://bookishowlette.wordpress.com/
  79. https://tvaddictedbookworm.com/
  80. https://bookedonafeeling.wordpress.com/
  81. https://wordsofmysteryblog.wordpress.com/
  82. https://shirleycuypers.blogspot.it/
  83. http://www.thesassologist.com/
  84. https://barelyablogger.wordpress.com/
  85. http://www.madelinewilsonojo.com/
  86. https://www.tangledintext.com/
  87. http://bluebookballoon.blogspot.it/
  88. http://theheartofabookblogger.com/
  89. https://forwinternights.wordpress.com/
  90. https://lindasbookbag.com/
  91. https://www.compulsivereaders.com/
  92. https://bookslifeandeverythingnice.wordpress.com/
  93. https://geniereads.wordpress.com/
  94. https://fablehunter.wordpress.com/
  95. https://booknormblog.com/
  96. https://youreditingdestination.wordpress.com/
  97. https://ladebooks.wordpress.com/
  98. https://bookishcaramel.wordpress.com/
  99. https://read3rzrevublog.wordpress.com/
  100. http://www.readingwritingandme.com/
  101. https://lifeat17.wordpress.com/
  102. https://msnoseinabook.com/
  103. https://wordsgremlin.wordpress.com/
  104. https://www.doyoudog-ear.com/
  105. https://bookjotter.com/
  106. https://thebookbakery17.wordpress.com/
  107. http://kendallreviews.com/
  108. http://www.wickedwords.co.uk/
108 Book Blogs To Follow: Blogs About Books and Reading

What are your favourite book blogs to follow? Do you have a favourite site from this list that you visit regularly? What type of posts do you most like reading on book blogs?

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  1. Replies
    1. My pleasure. Always happy to support fellow book bloggers :)

  2. Wow! What an amazing list! Thanks for sharing!

  3. What a great list! Thanks for sharing!

  4. What a great list! You're right, my TBR list is huge now! Thanks!

    1. You have no idea how many books I added to my tbr when putting this list together. I lost count!

  5. Thanks for adding me in the list :)

  6. Hope you'll check out my blog - https://www.escapewithdollycas.com/

    1. I'm putting together another post like this to showcase more book blogs so I'll include yours in that.

  7. Number 4 is a lucky a number of mine - thank you!!! I will check out everyone this week! XO

  8. wow, what a through list! seems like I have a lot of people to go follow!

    1. So many awesome book bloggers. Just doing me bit to help support the community.... also I love following book blogs ;)

  9. This is mind bending - thanx for your tireless efforts, and for including my silly little blog on your list ;)

    1. How could I not include your blog? One of my favourites!

  10. Yay, I was just saying my TBR is getting a bit too small! Thanks for including me.

    1. Too small?! Mine is out of control LOL! I added even more books to my TBR whilst visiting all these blogs to put together this list.

  11. Thanks for including me Jo. I have lots of new blogs to visit and I have a theory that it may play havoc with my TBR! :)

    1. You're welcome. My own TBR is out of control but these book bloggers are great and I keep adding more to my list. The struggle is real!

  12. Thank you for including me on this list I am going to have a little look through the rest tonight after work x

    Emma x www.bookinggoodread.com

  13. Thank you for adding me. Lots of great book bloggers on your list.

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks. There are so many great book blogs out there :)

  15. Thank you for including me...You put such a great effort in this list...

    1. My pleasure. It was a lot of work but hopefully useful for others looking for more book bloggers to follow.

  16. Thank you for including me! I'll be sure to check out these other blogs when I'm not at work! ;)

    1. Great! I hope you have fun exploring these book blogs.

  17. Thanks for including my blog!! Excited to check out all of the others! :)

    1. My pleasure. Hope you discover some new book bloggers to follow from this list.

  18. Thanks for all your efforts. I have followed some of them on WP Great work.

    1. Great! Glad you found some new book blogs to follow.

  19. Thank you so much for including my blog!!

  20. www.novelblondes.com is my site! We review books and discuss travel, mostly book related!

    1. Great. Always good to know about more book blogs.

  21. Thank you so much for including me ��

  22. I'm number one?! Oh my gosh!! How did I miss this?! I must not have been notified. Thank you sooooo much!!!!!!!! <3 ((hugs)) I needed this today!
