Book Blogger Insider Tag | Jo Linsdell

Book Blogger Insider Tag

Book Blogger Insider Tag: Q&A About Book Blogging

I got tagged by Manon from Cafe Manon to do the Book Blogger Insider Tag. You can find her tag post at Thanks for tagging me!

The Rules:

These are the questions:
1 – Where do you typically write your blog posts?
2 – How long does it take you to write a book review?
3 – When did you start your book blog?
4 – What’s the worst thing about having a book blog in your opinion?
5 – What is the best thing about having a book blog in your opinion?
6 – What blog post have you had the most fun writing so far?
7 – What is your favourite type of blog post to write?
8 – When do you typically write?
9 – How do you write your book reviews? With a cup of coffee or tea? With Netflix? Cuddled up with your fur baby?
10 – When do you write your book reviews? Right after finishing the book? Two weeks after finishing the book?
11 – How often do you post?
Watch the video for my answers:


  1. I always love learning how other bloggers choose to blog. I am the type to read one book at a time and then writing a review before moving on to my next post.

    1. I agree. It's always fun to find out more about other bloggers. It's one of the reasons I like tag posts like this ;)

  2. Great post! Love the support you always give to others đŸ’–

    1. Aww thanks Terrie. I get a lot of support from others too, and so like to show my appreciation by giving when I can too.

  3. Great tag. It is interesting hearing from other bloggers on their experiences and thoughts. :)

    1. I liked the questions in this tag. It was fun to do. Looking forward to hearing everyone else's answers too.

  4. Awesome tag! I struggle with seeing all the amazing books everyone else is reading too. I want to read them all.

  5. Awesome answers! I love writing tip posts that help others out. It's truly the best being able to help others out in this community! :)

    1. We're in an industry where we can all win. I love being able to help others reach their goals. I love how supportive this community is.

  6. This is an interesting tag :) I may have to take it upon myself to do it LOL. I loved your answers!

    Megan - Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest

    1. Do it! Do it! Would love to see your answers

  7. Ooh I really like this tag! Great to hear your answers Jo. I may pick up this tag on my blog too!

    1. Please consider yourself tagged if you'd like to do it. Look forward to seeing your answers to the questions.

  8. Ooo I shall be sure to do this :)
