Current Reads of Book Bloggers | Jo Linsdell

Current Reads of Book Bloggers

#BookishBlogHops Current Reads of Book Bloggers

Current Reads of Book Bloggers

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This month I'm teaming up with the Bookish Blog Hops crew again for another blog hop. A whole month of bookish questions and answers with this fantastic group of book bloggers.

As always, I'm kicking things off with the first stop. 

Are you a book blogger, and want to join us for future blog hops? 

#BookishBlogHops Current Reads of Book Bloggers

Currently Reading

For today's stop we're sharing about what we're currently reading. 

At the moment I'm in the process of reading The Shape of Water by Andrea Camilleri. My dad is a bit obsessed with this series and convinced me to give it a go. 

About the book:
The Shape of Water is the first in Andrea Camilleri's wry, brilliantly compelling Sicilian crime series, featuring Inspector Montalbano.

The goats of VigĂ ta once grazed on the trash-strewn site still known as the Pasture. Now local enterprise of a different sort flourishes: drug dealers and prostitutes of every flavour. But their discreet trade is upset when two employees of the Splendour Refuse Collection Company discover the body of engineer Silvio Luparello, one of the local movers and shakers, apparently deceased in flagrante at the Pasture. The coroner's verdict is death from natural causes - refreshingly unusual for Sicily.
But Inspector Salvo Montalbano, as honest as he is streetwise and as scathing to fools and villains as he is compassionate to their victims, is not ready to close the case - even though he's being pressured by VigĂ ta's police chief, judge, and bishop.
Picking his way through a labyrinth of high-comedy corruption, delicious meals, vendetta firepower, and carefully planted false clues, Montalbano can be relied on, whatever the cost, to get to the heart of the matter.

I'm currently at 21% and so far I'm enjoying it. Will be interesting to see what happens. 

#BookishBlogHops Current Reads of Book Bloggers

Here's what the rest of the gang are reading at the moment:

#BookishBlogHops Current Reads of Book Bloggers
Danielle - Snatched Words

I’m currently reading ‘The Secret Commonwealth’ by Philip Pullman. It’s the second volume in the Book of Dust trilogy and is set 7 years after His Dark Materials ends. I’ve been so excited to get started on this book! His Dark Materials ranks highly among my favourite books of all time. We even called our cat Lyra, after the lead character. I’m only a few chapters in but getting to return to Lyra (the book character, not my cat) and her world feels like returning to an old friend. And I can’t wait to find out what she’s been up to in the interceding years.

#BookishBlogHops Current Reads of Book Bloggers
Kaili- Entertainingly Nerdy

Right now I am currently reading The Whisper Man. I’m a little less than halfway through it! This book has been completely hyped this year so I was a little worried about reading it. Thankfully the hype hasn’t destroyed it for me. The Whisper Man is a creepy thriller where children go missing. The authorities are having a hard time finding them and are baffled by who could have taken them. It’s been awhile since a book has truly freaked me out but there are parts of this book that are beyond creepy!

#BookishBlogHops Current Reads of Book Bloggers

I’m listening to the A Charm of Magpies series by KJ Charles, a historical paranormal M/M Romance. I’ve finished the three main books and am now listening to stories set in the same world. The magic concept completely pulled me in. And I love this combination of fairytale and Romance. I stumbled over the author because she was the editor of one of my favorite books of 2019 but it took me until now to actually get to it. It was a pretty big surprise to find that A Charm of Magpies got quite some hype and I had never even heard of it. I will definitely read more of KJ Charles’ books!

December reading is probably my favorite! I love reading stories set at Christmas time. I am currently in the midst of reading Sherlock Holmes and the Christmas Demon by James Lovegrove. Lovegrove has done a great job of imitating Sir Arthur Conon Doyle’s voice. The story is set in the days before Christmas in 1890. Sherlock and Watson’s new client, Miss Eve Allerthrope believes she is being haunted by a Christmas demon, the Black Thurrick. It’s a fun departure from the holiday romances I’ve been reading. And, if you like Sherlock Holmes, you’ll enjoy this new tale.

#BookishBlogHops Current Reads of Book Bloggers
Chaos Theory Initiation by Aubrey Ballard! This book is just what I want, thrilling action, suspense, a little romance and a flawed and heroic heroine. It’s also not what I want, a YA, dystopian and science fiction novel. I’m only about 75 pages in so jury’s still out with my overall verdict.

#BookishBlogHops Current Reads of Book Bloggers

I’m about halfway through an ARC of Blood & Ash by Deborah Wilde. It’s an Urban Fantasy that is set to come out January 2020. It’s my first book by the author but I was excited to pick it up. The tagline grabbed me on this book: A Snarky Urban Fantasy Detective Series. All of my favorite things! 

#BookishBlogHops Current Reads of Book Bloggers

I haven’t started a print book in a while, because I’m neck-deep in National Novel Writing Month (affectionately known as “NaNoWriMo”) and struggling to stay afloat in my writing, so reading kind of takes “second fiddle” as it were.
That being said, there are a couple books that I’ve started reading or am intending to read as soon as December hits, and so I’ll share those for my “currently reading”! 
On my Kindle, I’m reading through A Dash of Fiend by Amy Hopkins. It’s the second book in her “cozy urban fantasy mystery” series, the Talented Series. She originally published them as more of a “hard urban fantasy”, under different titles, and I had all of those back in the day, and got the first two reviewed, before she pulled them and announced that she was rebranding/revising/re-titling the whole series. I liked them from the very first (my own summation of the series would be “If Hermione Granger decided to settle down and open a tea shop where she used magic to enchant the brews”) and I like these new versions even more! If you’re feeling nostalgic for Harry Potter and want some more of that enchanting brand of magic, with characters that will win your heart from the very start--look no further than the Talented series!!
The other book I’m reading is for my MASSIVE ( and ever-growing) list of indie titles I’ve downloaded or won in a giveaway, for the purposes of reviewing them on my blog. On the list is Obsidian Son by Shayne Silvers. I picked it up at a cover reveal/release party for another paranormal/urban fantasy author I follow, R. R. Virdi, and I’ve heard that he’s very similar. It opens with a “Minotaur-tipping” scene, so it can’t be terrible! 
The next print book I’m reading is the last one I checked out from the library a couple months ago, the start of a new series from David Baldacci, titled Long Road To Mercy. It’s apparently his first series with a female protagonist--the only other happening to be his attempt at YA fantasy, the Vega Jane series, which was marginally well-done but in no way the caliber of his adult thrillers! I’m holding my breath for this one, but I’ve got high hopes. Baldacci has yet to completely fail me!

#BookishBlogHops Current Reads of Book Bloggers
The Bookworm Mummy -

I’ve just started reading Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff, which is the second book in the Nevernight Chronicles. The first book in the series, Nevernight, left me with more feelings than I could handle - I did have to stop reading near the end and take a few, deep, calming breaths, lest I throw the damned thing across the room - and I just HAD to immediately start the next one… Whether I’m emotionally ready for it, that’s a whole other matter!

#BookishBlogHops Current Reads of Book Bloggers

Don't forget to check out the next stop of the blog hop tomorrow, where we'll be talking about the last books we read at

Join the conversation by letting us know what book are you currently reading in the comments below. 

Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


  1. Awesome reads! I'm totally not reading that anymore haha! My mood changed.

  2. Oh my gosh, what great current reads! I need to hurry up and get to The Whisper Man soon!

  3. I'm currently reading Match Me by Christmas by Lindzee Armstrong. One of my favorite series and just in time for the holiday :)

  4. Need to add Sherlock Holmes and the Christmas Demon to my TBR!!
