2020 Challenges: April Update
April was another tough month. The lockdown continues here in Italy and the weight of not leaving our apartment since the start of March is starting to get to us.
The kids distance learning continues to be a big source of stress for both the kids and myself, and a lot of our day is taken up with school work, video lessons, and downloading/uploading homework.
We're doing OK though. We have our ups and downs but on the whole it's not too bad. We just have to keep taking it one day at a time.
Free time we do get is mainly spent playing board games (Risk is the household favourite, or as we call it Risiko!), or binge watching Netflix.
My main priority at the moment is making sure my kids are doing OK so progress with my various challenges has been slow.
I already use dark text on a white background, and tend to break up my posts with plenty of white space. I have been going back through some of my older posts though to improve the format of the posts.
April was a total flop. I didn't listen to any audiobooks this month.
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Books read this month:
B- Breakup Boot Camp by Beth Merlin (in progress which is why it doesn't have a tick next to it yet)
D- Down in the Belly of the Whale by Kelley Kay Bowles
P- Poison Orchids by Sarah A. Denzil
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