My 2022 Reading Challenges | Jo Linsdell

My 2022 Reading Challenges

My 2022 Reading Challenges


My 2022 Reading Challenges

Challenges to help motivate my reading in 2022

I love a good challenge and reading challenges are no different. Every year I pick a few to join in with. 

Last year I did the Clock Reading Challenge, the A to Z Reading Challenge and the Net Galley TBR Reading Challenge.

This is what I've chosen for 2022:

The Clock Reading Challenge

This is a reading challenge that I created last year. It was so much fun I'm doing it again this year. 

12 books in 12 months to make up a clock-face. This is last years final clock:

The Clock Reading Challenge

I love how different these books all were from each other. Looking forward to discovering more new reads during this years challenge.

It's going to be fun seeing this year's clock come together.

The Clock Reading Challenge 2022

Net Galley TBR Reading Challenge

I added this challenge to my list as an additional challenge towards the end of last year as I'd completed to A to Z Reading Challenge and wanted something to help motivate me to get my Net Galley TBR back under control.

I did manage to tick a few books off my list but I've still got too many on there that I need to get through. My goal is to get my Net Galley TBR down to 0. 

These are the books still on my list that I plan to get through this year:

Net Galley TBR Reading Challenge

I will not be adding any more new books to my Net Galley TBR until I have finished all of these.

My 2022 Reading Challenges

What reading challenges are you doing this year? What books are you particularly looking forward to reading?

You might also like: Best Reads of 2021


  1. I keep thinking I will not request any more books on NG until I clear up the sky high list of pending reviews.. but then I see a book that I know I will love reading, and......

    1. I'm avoiding looking at any other books on there until I get these cleared. It's just too tempting to add more.

    2. I hear you sister - my ratio is embarrassingly low yet my book greed keeps me adding more!

    3. I managed to finish the year at 82% which at least gets me back in the right area. Still needs work though. How many books do you have on your net galley TBR?

  2. 82% when will I ever attain that goal? đŸ¤” If my ratio was dependent on passing an exam. I would fail dismally.

    1. Unfortunately I still have a lot of books on my TBR there though even if the ratio looks better now.
