Blog Audit Challenge 2021: April Challenges (Internal Links) | Jo Linsdell

Blog Audit Challenge 2021: April Challenges (Internal Links)


Blog Audit Challenge 2021: April Challenges

Blog Audit Challenge 2021

Welcome back for another month of challenges for the Blog Audit Challenge 2021! I hope you did well with the March challenges. Remember to link up your progress in the March Linky. 

Each month we'll concentrate on a different area of our blogs.

The Challenges:

January- The Competition
February- Legal Aspects
March- Branding 
April- Internal Links
May- External Links
June- SEO 
July- Content Promotion 
AugustTechnical Errors
September- Readability 
October- Follow Options
November- Security
December- Know Your Stats

Monthly link ups

In order to keep us all on track, and give us a way to see each others progress, I'll be hosting link ups on the first Saturday of every month where participants can share their links and discuss their progress. 


April Challenges

Our focus for April is on internal links.

Before we jump into this month's tasks it's probably a good idea to define exactly what internal links are. 

An internal link connects one page of a website to a different page on the same website.

Internal links aid your blog navigation and offer numerous benefits for your site including improving your link equity and defining the architecture and hierarchy of your blog.

The April challenges:

1.  Make sure every blog post has at least two internal links.

Internal linking supports your SEO by driving traffic to other pages on your blog. 

If the content you provide through internal linking is relevant to your audience, they are more likely to read more of your content. This helps to increase your site conversion rate. Relevant linking helps new visitors discover your website and increase your page views.

Linking to related posts can help you increase time spent on your blog and lower your bounce rate. You can check the bounce rate for your blog and individual blog posts in Google Analytics.

Wondering what links to include? Your blog probably has a few evergreen pillar posts. These are your most popular posts that offer high value for readers. 

For example, I often include an internal link to posts like my The Ultimate Guide for Book Bloggers post or my 101 Blog Post Ideas For Book Bloggers post. These are high ranking blog posts that fit perfectly with my brand and naturally connect with the other topics I cover on my site. 

Stay on topic with your internal links. Posting a book review? Include internal links to other book reviews you've posted to your site for books in the same genre/ by the same author as the one you're currently reviewing. The more relevant the links are to the current blog post the better. 

Internal links don't just have to be to other blog posts. They can be to pages too. For example I post about books and blogging. If I'm doing a post about children's picture books or books about book marketing I might include an internal link to my page about my books (yep, I'm an author and illustrator too đŸ˜‰).

Don't forget to promote your participation in the Blog Audit Challenge 2021 by using the following graphic in any blog posts you do connected with the challenge along with a link back to this site. 

Blog Audit Challenge 2021: A Challenge for Bloggers

Save the Date:

The monthly link up post for sharing your April progress will be on 1st May. The May challenges will be posted on 3rd May. 

Blog Audit Challenge 2021: April Challenges

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