Book Review: Love Is A Four-Letter Word by Claire Calman | Jo Linsdell

Book Review: Love Is A Four-Letter Word by Claire Calman


Book Review: Love Is A Four-Letter Word by Claire Calman


My thoughts about Love Is A Four-Letter Word by Claire Calman

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Disclosure: I got sent a free copy of this book by the publisher via Net Galley.

The book synopsis for Love Is A Four-Letter Word by Claire Calman

The "L" word? Bella never wanted to hear it again. There were things in her past which needed to be put well away, like the 27 boxes of clutter she'd brought from her old flat. And having changed her job, her town, her entire life—the one thing she wasn't about to change was her mind.

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Discussing Love Is A Four-Letter Word by Claire Calman

Quotes from Love Is A Four-Letter Word by Claire Calman

The Caribbean? She is so exhausted she’d be lucky to make it down the road to the travel agent. Perhaps they could administer her Mai-Tais via a drip.

‘Why spend ages traipsing around town hunting for somewhere new just to prove you’re an exciting, adventurous person who doesn’t always go to the same two restaurants when you already know that you aren’t adventurous and they are clearly the two best places to go? Count yourself lucky you’ve not got much choice.’

‘Tick. Tick. My biological clock. Surely you can hear it? My mother can hear it over fifty miles away apparently. I don’t care. I’ve decided not to worry about having sprogs. I’m just going to get some on time-share for two weeks a year.’

‘Sex? What’s that? Is that the thing that happens somewhere between the first snog and the slamming of the front door? Ah, yes, I had some of that once…’

‘She could be the Dalai Lama in disguise, but let’s look at the most likely option first, shall we? Two people: one male, one female, in a restaurant, in the evening. Sounds suspiciously like a couple having a relationship to me. You ought to know. That’s what normal people do. I read it in one of the Sunday supplements.’

Good grief. For God’s sake, go and have a proper fling, woman. It was all very well having a gap after Patrick, but this was getting beyond a joke. She was probably technically a virgin again by now, all sealed over the way pierced ears went if you didn’t wear earrings in them.

Men don’t have a time bomb nestling in their reproductive organs, so it’s fine for them to be ambitious and successful. Can’t you hear that clock ticking?

‘There’s no point anyway. Even if I met someone, I never think I know how to do relationships. I can do the going out to dinner bit and the having lots of sex bit, then I get lost. There must be some secret formula that I don’t know about,’ said Bella. ‘Can’t you give me your top ten tips or something? You seem to have it sussed.’

There ought to be some kind of evening class that you could take for all the really tricky stuff. What was the point of worrying about Intermediate Spreadsheets or Creative Machine Embroidery when you really needed Having a Relationship –Complete Beginners or Getting Your Act Together, Level I?

Drawing was rather like being in love, she decided, the completeness of it, no need for anything else.

She was beginning to regret that she’d splashed out and bought a packet of twelve condoms rather than three. At this rate, she’d be lucky to get through it before its expiry date; good grief, at this rate, the packet could constitute a lifetime’s supply.

She tilted the mirror to inspect her lower half. Perhaps she should go wild and buy a full-length mirror one day. Then again, perhaps not; she felt she was best seen only a small portion at a time.

How would she feel if it had been the other way round? ‘You wouldn’t feel anything, stupid, you’d be dead,’ she told herself.

The rest of my life. But how long would that be? Could be forty, fifty years, sure. Or ten years, five. Or one. Three weeks. If only there could be some sort of guarantee.

Where to find Love Is A Four-Letter Word by Claire Calman online:

Book Review Love Is A Four-Letter Word by Claire Calman

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  1. This looks like a hoot and a half, on my TBR for sure!

    1. It turned out to be a really enjoyable read. I think you'd like it.

  2. Great review. Glad that Love is a four letter word picked up for you and you enjoyed it.

    1. I'm so glad I didn't DNF it. This book is a good example of why I always try to keep going with a book even when the start doesn't quite work for me. I've read so many books that turned out to be awesome reads but just had beginnings that confused me a little.

  3. I love that title. Glad you enjoyed it

    1. Love is a Four-Letter Word does have a nice ring to it 😊

  4. The cover is super cute! I’m glad you liked it!
