The Currently Reading Book Tag | Jo Linsdell

The Currently Reading Book Tag

The Currently Reading Book Tag

Book Tag

The Currently Reading Book Tag

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I haven't done a book tag in while so when I saw this one pop up I figured I'd give it a try. Book tags are always fun to do and this particular one is also quick and easy too.

The Currently Reading Book Tag was created by booktuber Charly Reynhorse but I discovered it via Twirling Book Princess

The questions:

1. How many books do you usually read at once? 2. If you're reading more than one book at a time, how do you decide when to switch to reading the other book (do you read a certain amount of pages in each?) 3. Do you ever switch bookmarks while you're part way through a book? 4. Where do you keep the book you're currently reading? 5. What time of day do you spend the most time reading? 6. How long do you typically read for in one go? 7. Do you read hard covers with the dust jacket on or off? 8. Which position do you mainly use to read? 9. Do you take the book you're currently reading with you everywhere you go? 10. How often do you update your progress in the book you're currently reading on Goodreads? 11. Who would you like to tag?

My answers:

Looking for more book tags to try? Here's a collection of tags I've done. Feel free to consider yourself tagged by me to do any of them. 

The Currently Reading Book Tag

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