November 2024 Book Blogger Round Up | Jo Linsdell

November 2024 Book Blogger Round Up


November 2024 Book Blogger Round Up

Book Blogger Posts Round Up

A collection of blog posts by book bloggers

Welcome back for another Book Bloggers Round Up! Let's see what book bloggers have been posting about during November.

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I introduced this feature here on the blog in May 2021 to showcase blog posts by other book bloggers and as it continues to be a popular series I've decided to continue again this year too. 

Each month I'll include a wide variety of content so there's something for everyone. You'll find book reviews, interviews, discussion pieces and more...

So if you're looking for new bookish content to read and/or want to discover some new book bloggers to follow, look no further!

Why I do this feature: 

Scanning through various social media feeds to find suitable content can take up valuable time and so I figured I'd make it easier and put together a collection here on the blog.

It's also a way for me to highlight some of the other great book bloggers out there and help promote books and reading at the same time. 

How it works:

Each month I do a post via my Twitter, where I offer the opportunity for book bloggers to submit posts published during that month for inclusion in this round up. I do this every month.

Want to be included in future round ups? Follow my Twitter profile and keep an eye out for the submission tweet.

November 2024 Book Blogger Round Up

@GinaRaeMitchell was part of a blog tour for Crossing Day by William A. Glass and shared her review. "While the story’s themes may be heavy, they resonate deeply, prompting reflection on the values we hold dear. Glass’s novel is a poignant reminder of history’s enduring impact and the importance of standing against tyranny." Read the full review of Crossing Day here.

@booklorefairy reviewed Moving is Murder by Nellie H. Steele. "I enjoyed reading this book a lot. There were so many sweet and calm moments so if you're looking for something heartwarming yet still brimming with mystery, you should certainly pick this book up." Read the full review of Moving is Murder here.

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@_forbookssake reviewed Everything Happens For A Reason by Danny Care. "This book is incredibly honest, beautifully written, and a joy to read. DC’s love for his family, for his teammates, and for rugby as a whole are the true highlight of his story, and I’m grateful that he has shared it with us all." Read the full review of Everything Happens For A Reason here.

@SifaPoulton reviewed Barrington Stoke’s Classics Retold; FRANKENSTEIN and GREAT EXPECTATIONS by Tanya Landman. "Barrington Stoke, the UK’s specialist in books for dyslexia and reluctant readers, is releasing retellings of the classics that are far more accessible." Read the full reviews here.

@ReadingLadiesBC  took part in Top Ten Tuesday with a post Thankful For Authors Who… where she highlights authors who transport her around the world, create memorable and inspiring characters, and offer thought-provoking themes. Read the full post here.

@leftontheshelf1 shared her review of The Foyles Bookshop Girls' Promise by Elaine Roberts as part of a blog tour. "It is a well written book with fantastic characters who I was completely engaged by. I felt frustrated every time I had to put it down, and I could hardly wait to get back to it. It had everything that you would expect to find in a book of this genre; great characters in a historical setting with a bit of romance and angst to add to the tension." Read the full review of The Foyles Bookshop Girls' Promise here.

@DanSamEnd reviewed Ice Town by Will Dean. "An addictive story that’s fantastic from the first page – it’s dark, insightful, intricately plotted, and tremendously tense." Read the full review of Ice Town here.

@TStrawberryPost did a lovely Tribute to Victoria Zigler: Author, Blogger and Friend. Read the full post here. 

@EastHullPete reviewed The Enigma Girl by Henry Porter. "This is a lengthy novel, some might think a little too long, but there is an awful lot to pack in and it never becomes a dull read." Read the full review of The Enigma Girl here.

What bookish blog posts did you enjoy reading in November? Have a favourite book you read in November that you want to share?

In case you missed it, don't forget to check out the October Round Up for even more great bookish posts by different book bloggers. 

November 2024 Book Blogger Round Up

Are you a book blogger? Check out 101 Blog Post Ideas For Book Bloggers


  1. Perfect day for some blog hopping! đŸ™Œ Thanks! ~Carol @ ReadingLadies
