The Ultimate Guide for Book Bloggers | Jo Linsdell

The Ultimate Guide for Book Bloggers

The Ultimate Guide for Book Bloggers: Everything You Need To Know About Book Blogging (For Beginners and More Advanced Bloggers)

The Ultimate Guide for Book Bloggers

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Whether you're just considering getting started as a book blogger, are new to the book blogging community, or even if you've been running a book blog for a while, this post is for you! 

Welcome to the ultimate guide for book bloggers. It's packed full of information and tips to help you be the best book blogger you can be. 

I've divided all the information into categories to make it easier to find what you're looking for.

Book Blogging Community

Link Ups

If you're looking for some book blog link ups to participate in Never Enough Novels has a good list at Joining in link ups can be a great way to meet other book bloggers, discover new books, and increase traffic to your own book blog at the same time. 

Lovely Audiobooks does a monthly link up at It's not just for audiobook reviews either. Any book reviews are welcome. 

Emily the Book Nerd lists 10 link ups for book bloggers in this post at


Connect with other book bloggers and get more involved in the book blogging community. At you'll find 108 book blogs to follow to get you started. 

Are you new to book blogging or thinking about getting started? Still not sure if book blogging is for you? Check out this collaboration post about why we love the book blogging community at

In this guest post hosted by Not So Modern Girl about How to Make Connections in the Book Blogging Community Carol gives a great breakdown of ways you can reach out and connect more with the book blogging community.

Making Money With Your Book Blog

Fancy getting paid to read books? This post at by Fatten the Wallet lists 7 sites that pay you to read books. Even better news is that it includes sites for every level so whether you're a new book blogger or a more experienced book reviewer you should be able to find a site for you. 

Interested in diving into affiliate marketing? Wonderfully Bookish has you covered at Includes info on everything from how to disclose affiliate links to different affiliate programs for book bloggers.

You can find more advice about affiliate marketing for book bloggers at's Hot covers deep links, banner ads etc... 

ARCs and Review Copies

That Bookish Brunette gives a nice overview of what ARCs are and where to get them at

BooksNest covers the basics of ARCs at and even includes sample templates for what to write in your message to request an ARC from a publisher. 

Prefer audiobooks? Check out this post for where to find free audiobooks

Lovely Audiobooks also has a post about getting free audiobook review copies at

When it comes to review copies it's always best to let authors and publishers know what you will and will not review, and the best ways to go about getting a review. In her post Review Policies: A Blogger’s Perspective Sifa Poulton gives good advice about what to include in your review policy.

The Ultimate Guide to Book Blogging: Tips and Resources to be the best Book Blogger EVER!

Book Blogging How To

Just getting started in your book blogging adventure? Suggested Reads gives a good introduction on how to start a book blog at

The Uncorked Librarian also does a great overview for beginner book bloggers in her post at and has a mountain of other information and tips for book bloggers at A must read! You'll want to click on all the links in the list. 

Not sure what to post to your book blog? Book blogging can be so much more than just book reviews. Check out this post I did with 101 blog post ideas for book bloggers for inspiration 

Looking to improve your book blog? Join the Blog Audit Challenge 2020 

Find out the ways you can give some love to your older blog posts and increase traffic to your book blog at

Effective Call's To Action, or CTA's, guide your visitors to take action. Learn more about the different types of CTA's you can use at

Book blogging can be stressful at times. Blossoms and Bullet Journals talks about how to reduce ARC related stress in this post at

As with most things in life, you only realise certain things after you've started. That applies to blogging too. Find out what book bloggers which they knew at

Book Bumblings is always a great source of information but this post listing the book blogging tools they use most at is well worth bookmarking. 

A lot of work goes into creating, maintaining, and marketing a blog. There are a few things you can do to make it easier though.

Want to go more in-depth about what to do and not do when reviewing a book, then check out this post by Literary Hub about common mistakes in book reviewing and how to avoid them. 

Find more info on the what, how and why of book reviews at

Bored of the same old same old? Find inspiration to get more creative with your book reviews at and stand out from the crowd.

Learn how to write an audible review at courtesy of Lovely Audiobooks

As with pretty much anything in life there are always a few people that spoil things for the rest of us. Book blogging is no exception. Check out this discussion post about trusting book bloggers at

A media kit is a powerful tool that all bloggers should have. Find out more about why and what to include in yours at

Discover the elements that should be included in every blog post you publish at

Social Media for Book Bloggers 


Are you part of/planning on joining the world of Bookstagram? Me Otherwise does a fantastic breakdown of the hashtags you need to kill it as a Bookstagrammer at She even divides them all into categories making it super easy to find the best ones for your Instagram content. These hashtags can be used on other social media sites like Twitter and Facebook too for you'll really want to bookmark this one!

Not sure what to post as a Bookstagrammer? Check out these awesome ideas from Word Revel at As the title of the blog post states, props are not required. 

L.M. Durand shares 5 tips you should keep in mind to grow your Bookstagram at

Unbound Pages has some good tips to help you schedule a month of Bookstagram posts in one day at Perfect for those of you without a lot of free time. 

Alison in Bookland gives insight into whether to use a personal or business account for your Bookstagram at

The Riverside Library has an amazing post that breaks down Bookstagram hashtags by post type at  making it super easy to find the right hashtag for your post.


Pinterest can be a powerhouse for driving traffic to your book blog and one great way to leverage it is to be part of group boards. Reading in Stilettos has done a great post breaking the lists down into categories at The post includes; general book related boards, book review boards, book blogger boards and group boards with specific book themes.

New to Pinterest and not sure where to start? In this post at The Bookish Hedgemom takes you through the various steps she took to get started in her beginners guide to Pinterest for book bloggers. 

Another good post about Pinterest for beginners is by My Bookish Banter at


Cat on the Bookshelf gives a great list of hashtags for book bloggers to use on Twitter in this post at


Lovely Audiobooks discusses being a book blogger on Facebook at A great introductions to Facebook pages and groups.


Part of the Booktube community? Get a more professional look and learn how to add your logo to your YouTube videos at


New to Goodreads? Book Bumblings gives a good introduction in how to get started at

The Ultimate Guide for Book Bloggers: Everything you need to know  about Book blogging

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  1. Your posts always have me pulling out my notebook to write down awesome tips and tricks!

    1. Aww thanks Kate. I'm so glad you find them useful. A blogger can never have enough resources right? 😉

  2. I adore you - you are such a valuable resource - even if I've been blogging for years now.

    1. I first started dabbling with blogging back around 2007... I wish that back then it had been easier to find resources and tips to better understand everything that's involved in being a book blogger... Or in fact, any kind of blogger. It's also one of those things that you never stop learning as it's constantly evolving and new technology gets introduced. Blogging is loads of fun though and can be very rewarding.

  3. Great post! Such a great list of resources for book bloggers!

  4. Thanks Jo there is a wealth of knowledge there.

    1. Thanks. I wanted to create a resource with a bit of everything so that all the information and tips are all easy to find in the one place. I've done lots of posts myself over the years, but I've also discovered some amazing blogs that are putting out awesome content.

  5. such a wonderful resource for everyone no matter what they want to try out.. and i know i am going to come back to this post.

    1. Thanks 😊 I tried to add a bit of everything so whilst it works as a beginner's guide to book blogging it also has some resources that more experienced book bloggers might find interesting too.

  6. Such a lovely post! Thank you for all the useful links and info!

    1. Thanks Jenny. Glad you found all the tips and resources useful.

  7. Love seeing all these great resources in one place! Thanks for including my Book Bloogers Guide to Bookish Lingo.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  8. Love seeing all these great resources in one place! Thanks for including my Book Bloogers Guide to Bookish Lingo.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  9. Thanks so much for featuring my blog! I hope all of my blog 101 posts help everyone <3

    1. My pleasure Emily. I love posts that help others. These are all great resources for book bloggers, new and old.

  10. Such a great wealth of information. I’ve bookmarked so I can come back to it.
