Book Blogger Interview: Jane Turner from 33 South Textworks | Jo Linsdell

Book Blogger Interview: Jane Turner from 33 South Textworks


Book Blogger Interview Jane Turner from 33 South Textworks

Book Blogger Interview Series

Getting To Know The Book Blogging Community One Guest At A Time

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I hope you're enjoying this series of book blogger interview posts and getting to know some great members of the book blogging community along the way.

In case you miss them, you can check out the other book blogger interviews so far:

Hayley from Shelflyfe 

Kira from TheBookBella

Holley from Chasing Destino

Sadie from See Sadie Read

Eric from Breakeven Books

Sophie Davies from Sophie's Reading Room

Erin from Erins Book Reviews

Divya Agrawal from celebrityreadshush

Micheal Everts from Fit 2B Read

Elizabeth from A Suitcase Full of Books

Are you ready to get to know another member of the book blogging community?

Today the focus is on book blogging. 

I'm looking forward to chatting with other Book Bloggers during this series to get some behind the scenes insight into how they are approaching the book blogging community and what they've learnt so far.

Today's guest is Book Blogger Jane Turner from 33 South Textworks

Getting to Know Book Blogger Jane Turner from 33 South Textworks

The Interview:

When did you start blogging?

I started blogging as a sideline for my editing/proofreading business.

When I was starting out I had a bad case of imposter syndrome and had no idea what to blog about – so I started doing book reviews. That turned into joining Blog Tours, and it’s just kind of snowballed.

But I’m still, first and foremost, an editor/proofreader.

2. What are your favourite genres to read?

SFF, crime/thriller are my staples, though I’ll read anything that takes my fancy.

Through Blog Tours I’ve come to understand the absolute importance of a good blurb. Without being able to go to a bookshop and hold it in your hand, the blurb and cover art is all bloggers have to go by for most tours – and I admit that I’ve missed out on some brilliant books because the blurb just didn’t appeal, or wasn’t truly representative of the story…

3. Best book you've read so far this year?

It’s been a fantastic year for reading - I’ve had six 5-star books on my blog this year, and the year’s only just settling in!  The Crow Folk by Mark Stay, Deity by Matt Wesolowski, and Miniskirts are Murder by Des Burkinshaw are standouts, but I’d heartily recommend all 6!

4. What social media sites do you use most to spread the word about your blog posts/to network with the book blogging community?

I use on Twitter and Facebook in the main, but will stretch to LinkedIn too. I also publish my reviews on Goodreads and Amazon, to both help the author and get my name out there.

Most of my networking is done on Twitter.

5. What do you wish you'd known about book blogging before you started?

How incredibly addictive it is!  EVERY published book I read gets a review.

(I don’t post about books I’m working on as an editor, of course – because that would be rude, would break every ethic rule of editing, and would guarantee no author would trust me again.)

6. What is the hardest part of being a book blogger?

Finding reading time!

I’m running my business at the same time (cause a gal’s gotta eat) so most of my reading is done in the evenings. I’ll often stay up late to finish something, then go to write the post first thing in the morning.

The second hardest thing, particularly on Blog Tours, is waiting for your specific day to post. If I read something fantastic I want to shout it from the rooftops, not wait a week! ARGH! But, I do teaser posts on Twitter, which sates the longing a little…

7. What are your goals for your book blog? Do you have any plans for your blog in the future?

Goals? Hmm…

I’d love to be able to be first contact with publishing houses for reviews. I’d really like to review for a publication besides my own, but I’m working on that.

8. How often do you post to your blog?

At least weekly. Though it’s more likely to be twice a week.

9. What's your most popular blog post?

My most popular post is not actually a book review!

I also post ‘Tips for Writers’, and industry news, tips on working with your editor, how I work etc. My blog is, after all, an extension of my business – so I have to post business-relevant things too. And they’re proving useful…

My most popular post is all about the Royal Order of Adjectives and how it’s used to make adjectives sound better, including how to punctuate them.

10. What are you currently reading and why did you choose to read it?

Currently reading The Nirvana Effect by Brian Pinkerton – a little dystopian sci fi.

I’ve just been reading thrillers and historical recently, so it’s lovely to swap to SFF and stretch the imagination into the fantastic.

I hope you've enjoyed getting to know Jane better and encourage you to visit her blog.

Book Blogger Interview Jane Turner from 33 South Textworks

Are you a book blogger? Check out 101 Blog Post Ideas For Book Bloggers


  1. Sorry, if this is a repeat comment. I had a glitch apparently.

    Oh man, I could second so many of you points. I have both a book review blog and a promo blog for book tours and such. I'm with you 100% on every book gets a review. If I haven't written a review, I feel like I haven't finished the book. Or maybe it would be better to say I feel like I haven't finished with the book. But I like to write the review and post it immediately, no waiting. But on the book tour blog I schedule the posts out and like to get the written as early as possible. Sometimes, if I'm excited about a book, it's super hard to wait for the day. And the time! I have soooo many books I want to submerge myself in and sooooo little time.

    Thanks for another great interview Jo. I'm loving getting to meet others in the book community!

    1. Thanks Sadie đŸ¥° It's true. Without a review it does feel like I haven't finished with the book.
