The Social Media Audit Challenge 2021
The September Challenges
Welcome back for another month of the Social Media Audit Challenge 2021! I hope you did well with the August challenges. Don't forget to add your progress report to the August link up.
Over the course of this year I'll be posting monthly challenges to help us improve our social media presence and get better results.
The Challenges
Jan- Analyse Influencers
Feb- The Clean Up
Mar- Consistency
Apr- Quality
May- Measure Results
Jun- Facebook
Jul- Twitter
Aug- LinkedIn
Sept- YouTube
Oct- Pinterest
Nov- Instagram
Dec- Results and Plans
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The September Challenges
During the second half of the year, and our challenge, we'll be concentrating on individual social media platforms each month so we can get more specific with each one.
Our focus for September is on YouTube.
Check out my book How to be Twittertastic
1) Make your channel look professional
2) Consistency is key
Just like with blogging, consistency is key on social media too, and YouTube is no different. People like to know when they can expect new content to be published.
Once you've gotten into a solid routine try adding in an additional day each week to increase frequency.
Task 3: Work out your posting schedule and make sure you upload a video on the same day, at the same time. For example, I upload a new video to my YouTube channel every Tuesday at 7am CET.
3) Promote your YouTube videos on your other social media channels
Cross promoting is a great way to reach a wider audience.
Task 4: Share your YouTube videos on your other social media channels. For longer video's consider creating a teaser video to redirect them to the full video on YouTube.
Task 5: Embed your YouTube videos on your blog. This could be done by including them in your blog posts or by inserting them into your sidebar or footer.
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Share your answer in the comments below.