Ways To Book Blog Without Breaking Your Bank | Jo Linsdell

Ways To Book Blog Without Breaking Your Bank


Book Blogging On A Budget

Book Blogging On A Budget

Ways To Book Blog Without Breaking Your Bank

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Book blogging can be expensive... but it doesn't have to be. There are lots of ways you can still be a professional, dedicated book blogger without breaking your bank. 

So, if you're like me and have a passion for reading and blogging but also have limited funds to support it don't panic. You can book blog on a budget.

Getting books for free

Whilst it's nice to be able to buy a huge book haul it's not something that everyone's wallet can cope with. Luckily we have plenty of budget friendly alternatives to keep us supplied with books to read and review.

Net Galley

If you like ebooks this site is a gold mine! Open internationally, Net Galley offers a wide variety of ebooks for review. They have a large selection of book you can "Read now" where you can immediately download a copy, and a wide variety of ARC copies you can request too. In the case of the latter you just have to cross your fingers and hope you get lucky. 


Publishers and authors sometimes send out ARCs (Advanced Reading Copies) to selected book bloggers. These can be print or ebook format. 

Book Tours

There are loads of PR companies that organise book tours for authors and publishers. Many of these offer review copies to those who participate in the tours. 


On Amazon you can find a selection of free kindle books available to download to your Kindle or the free Kindle Reading App.

You can find free books on Amazon here


Don't forget about your local library. If you're not fussed about keeping the book this is a great option. They probably have a good selection on their shelves but most can order you the books you want. Most also offer a selection of ebooks and audiobooks.

You might also like: Quotes About Libraries

Creating a blog on a budget

Free platforms

Whilst it's nice to be self hosted the cost involved might not be the right fit for everyone's budget. Luckily there are plenty of free options available. 

Blogger, and Wordpress are the best known and most used but there are others too like Wix, Weebly, Tumblr, and SquareSpace. 

Check out the blog post How to Choose the Best Blogging Platform in 2021 (Compared) by wpbeginner for help on choosing the best option for you. 

Cheap Domain

Namecheap, Bluehost, GoDaddy, Domain.com... there's loads of places where you can buy a domain without spending too much money. 

Check out the blog post Where to Get Cheap Domains? 10 Cheapest Domain Registrars by codeinwp for help on choosing the best option for you.

Free blog templates

Again, there are loads of options available. A quick search on Google will bring up a huge amount of sites that offer free blog templates. Some you might want to try include; Gooyaabi Templates, BTemplates, ColorLib and TemplateLib.

Free visual content creation tools

Canva is my personal favourite and what I use to create the graphics I use for this blog but there are plenty more for you to choose from.

Ways To Book Blog Without Breaking Your Bank

Got some tips of your own for book blogging on a budget? Know of a great free or cheap tool that helps you as a book blogger? 


  1. Jo, thank you for this post. It certainly reminds me of some venues I am missing/not using enough for books as well as other stuff.. And so sorry I have not been on the audit challenges at all.. actually, completely skipped all the challenges i joined this year:(

    1. Glad you found it useful. Don't worry about the challenges. It's all very flexible so feel free to join back in when you can or hop back and catch up on past months too.

  2. Free books, baby - that is why I blog!

    1. 🤣 give me all the books!

      You've definitely read and reviewed some great reads on your blog.

  3. Great post! book blogging is not a niche where you tend to be able to earn anything back in the way other niches can so it's definitely important to keep an eye on where you're spending. There's some great tips here - and I love that you took it further than just where to get the books.

    1. Thanks Lindsey. Yes, book blogging doesn't have quite the same earning levels of some other blogging niches. It is possible to earn money with a book blog though.

  4. Another very helpful article. Thanks again for sharing.
