Book Reviewers: Book Bloggers Who Review Romance | Jo Linsdell

Book Reviewers: Book Bloggers Who Review Romance


Book Reviewers: Book Bloggers Who Review Romance

Book Reviewers

Book Bloggers Who Review Romance

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When I'm not reading thrillers I love to indulge in a good romance read (balance is key đŸ˜‰). 

Just some of the great romance books I've read (in no particular order):

On the Same Page by Penelope Janu

Sparks of Light by Janet B Taylor

On the Rocks by Sawyer Bennett

Geekerella by Ashley Poston

The Crush Dilemma by Susan Hatler

Bookishly Ever After by Isabel Bandeira

Reality Girl by Jessica Hildreth

The Never Have I Ever Club by Mary Jayne Baker

Us, In Pieces by Tasha Cotter and Christopher Green

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

But enough about me, Let's take a look at some of the other awesome book bloggers out there who promote the romance genre and spread the love of reading.

You might also like: 64 Book Bloggers Who Work With Indie Authors

Romance Book Reviewers

The following book bloggers all review books in the romance genre. Some do just romance, others review other genres too. [Click to Tweet]

N.B. Make sure you check the submission guidelines on each site if you're an author looking for a book review. 

What are some of your favourite romance books?  Do you know of a great book blogger who features romance books on their blog? 

Book Bloggers Who Review Romance Books

Are you a book blogger? Check out 101 Blog Post Ideas For Book Bloggers


  1. Ooooo...have you done one of these listing bloggers who review fantasy books? Because I would love that...hint hint nudge nudge...

    1. That's actually the next one I'm doing. Post will be published on 11th August đŸ˜‰
