When Was The Last Time You Did A Brand Audit? #SeptVidChallenge | Jo Linsdell

When Was The Last Time You Did A Brand Audit? #SeptVidChallenge

Welcome to day 9 of the September Video Challenge.

When Was The Last Time You Did A Brand Audit? #SeptVidChallenge

We're all so busy producing new content that sometimes we forget a very important step in the "grow your business right" process. The brand audit.

We need to know where we're going. We need to measure our success, and analyse our results, in order to make sure we're on track.

I do 2 huge brand audits a year. Usually one towards the start of summer, and another towards the end of the year. With each one I get a clearer picture of my brand, and make changes to help get better results. I also do smaller audits at the end of each month.

A brand audit keeps you on track. It makes sure that who you are and what you do, is also how you are perceived, and what you are known for. It shows you whether or not you're reaching your target audience, and the actions they take when you do.

When Was The Last Time You Did A Brand Audit?

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  1. Thanks for the great tips, Jo! I have to admit, this is something I'm a bit rubbish at doing. At the start of the year, I told myself I'd review where I was going every month, with goals for the following month. I started off well but then it fizzled out. Perhaps twice a year is a good way for me to start. Thanks again!

    1. Hi Louise. I've struggled in the past but this year I'm all about my stats ;) It's making a huge difference too. I have a chart I printed off divided into months with a section for each of the stats I'm monitoring. At the end of each month I check my stats and fill in the chart. It's a great way to see how I'm growing and keep track of my progress. Handy having everything all in the one place too. For my big audits I go into much more detail but for the monthly check-ins I find this system works well.

  2. On my Free Resources page (http://www.jolinsdell.com/p/free-r.html) you can find a monthly blog calendar with a stats section on it ;)
