Experimenting with Watercolours #SeptVidChallenge | Jo Linsdell

Experimenting with Watercolours #SeptVidChallenge

Welcome to day 14 of the September Video Challenge. WOW! almost half way already.

Experimenting with Watercolours #SeptVidChallenge

Last week I did some experimenting with watercolours and so for todays post I wanted to 1) show you my painting, 2) get your feedback about it, and 3) talk to you about working with different materials and trying out new things.

So, before you watch todays video, here's the photo I used as inspiration and my painting titled Blue Elephant:

Experimenting with Watercolours #SeptVidChallenge

Would love to hear your feedback in the comments section below. Also please share any tips you have for working in watercolour, and links to examples of your own artistic experimenting. 

Here's the video for day 14:


Other SeptVidChallenge posts so far: